Let the fighting begin. *grabs popcorn and sits in easy chair*. lol  Oh and 
john, could you send me brandon's promo? i 'll take it through my email. its 
easier right now.

derek Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Message       Well, there was jonison stew 
before pdaudio  realtime 2007.5, but either one should work.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    John Clower    
   To: talk2 
   Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:55    AM
   Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Still    postponed

     Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show,    and yes I said 
'hankering', I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is just    dying to.  The 
Venison Zone?  Now that could be a scary    combination.
     -----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of      
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38      AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still      postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster      undertaking. Everything, and 
i mean everything has to be moved and rewired      due to some of the equipment 
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd      recorders. This is made more 
urgent since i found out everything on comcast      on demand is recordable 
except for hbo and showtime. lol.  Plus with      the audio video rack moved, i 
can reach the window again so i can run the      feedlines for the ham radio 
antennas. So Venison Stew wont be on today.      Crossing ones fingers, i hope 
to be back on tues, friday for sure. So if      anyone could cover for me 
today, feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is      interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i 
don't see      anything obvious going on.

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