
Here's a small script that will automatically download and apply all the 
required daily change files to make your planet file as up to date as possible.

just save the file some where convenient, i.e. the directory where your planet 
file is located.

Then chmod the file to make it executable i.e. chmod +x update-planet

Then run the script, which requires one argument, which is the full path to the 
directory where the planet file is located.

i.e. update-planet ~/osm

The script should then go away and download then apply all the change files 
required. This can take a VERY long time.

Please backup your planet file first, because if something goes wrong during 
the update, you will lose it. I know this because I wiped my own file whilst 
playing with this script, hmmm.. only another 12hrs to finish downloading it 
again. :-(


I'm not a programmer, so I won't be offended if someone rewrites it properly

Cheers, Ian
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Attachment: update-planet
Description: 1776235943-update-planet

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