Robin Paulson wrote the following on 13/01/2008 21:50:
> On 13/01/2008, Robin Paulson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> i'll start a wiki page. anyone here have any experience with drawing
>> libraries? i'm sure we can do this by re-using something that's
>> already there
> ok, here we go. i've put in some rough details of the method i
> suggested earlier. if anyone can expand on it (maths for converting
> lat/lon to distance would be useful), or add any other proposals, that
> would be great
Maybe we are overcomplicating this.
Mapping these borders programmatically based on the existing coastline 
which may already be a little inaccurate where based on PGS data will at 
best give an approximation even if you take into account all the 
exceptions listed here 
<>. Surely 
what would be best is to find a dataset that contains the actual 
international borders based on the UN convention. I'm still looking for 
a source but surely they must be public  other wise it would be a bit 
tricky to enforce your territorial waters if no one else knows exactly 
where the line is or if everyone is using a slightly different method of 
calculating it. Does anyone know if the CIA data that has been used for 
land borders also contains sea borders? Or is there any other PD sources 
available? What do maritime gps systems use?



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