Martin Trautmann wrote:
> I do not see any description about the syntax within the proposal - and
> feel that a population has to be accompanied whenever possible by a
> date.
> Thus I feel it is not possible to add a pouplation tag directly to a
> place.  Apart from node, way and area this would require yet another
> primitive, such as data

Surely this argument would then apply to everything else in the database too?
Yes, population changes over time, but roads also change, commercial and 
industrial zones change, railway lines change, new housing estates appear, 
etc.  Currently we have data from npe mixing with up-to-the minute gps data.  
The only track we have is the last-edited time (I think?).  In practice, things 
are still working ok.

Yes, it might be nice to tag population or other db features with a date, but 
would be a feature in itself, and wouldn't seem a good reason to reject  the 
population tag.


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