On Sun, 9 Mar 2008 19:07:36 +0000
SteveC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone else noticed the number of stares going up? I had about 5  
> in my hour or so of mapping. I waved at 3 of them and got one wave back.

Heh! Come to India, or any of the myriad countries where terrorism (Oh noes!)
is the buzzword of the day, and you will get used to a lot more than stares.
So, my advice is to stare right back. What, you are *not* mapping your

I used to carry a GPS unit in the Delhi Metro, and put it next to the window
for better reception, unfortunately complete with red and blue flashing
lights. Thankfully, I look pretty respectable, and am usually well-dressed
enough that I can sneer at would-be questioners (Come on, it is is a 4"x4"x2"
box placed right next to my head. Yes, I am likely to cause the next 9/11).


P.S. Schuyler, and Mikel nearly got arrested while mapping Ludhiana in India.
P.P.S. I have had someone claim to me that an Indian citizen is legally
     required to register any GPS devices. Anyone from India who can cast
     any light on that?

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