Ulf Mehlig wrote:

> I think that using a street as a border of a plaza (or a block of
> buildings) is not wanted. Does one digitize double ways, leading along
> the same nodes, or does one make a separate area in a small distance to
> the existing line (street/stream), which might be topologically
> incorrect and is more difficult to maintain?

There are arguments both ways, and it's come up in discussion locally:


I subscribe to the view that areas should correspond to the real area on
the ground and mostly be kept clear of roadways. Placing an Area's Nodes
near the adjacent Way's nodes helps make the map easier to maintain. I
will often abut adjacent areas that are separated only by something thin
and make their nodes share, however.

Rectilinear buildings in particular should be kept rectilinear: there's
no excuse for trapezoidal buildings with the new extrusion stuff now in

However, rivers are Interesting: quite often an Area whose edge is
defined by a river may change over time as the river meanders... In that
case, it probably does make sense to abut a Way to an Area.

Andrew Chadwick

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