I've written a script to estimate the number of names added by each user.
Currently it just looks at who did the last edit on each object with a name.
Once again it may allow us to spot errors like mass imports gone bad.

Below are the results for 20 August. I'd say that anything above 20000 is
most likely not the surveying work of a single human since the project has
started and involve some copyleft material.

7934187   ="DaveHansen" uid="7168"
 828254   ="AND" uid="12946"
 249849   ="KELLY + TERRY JONES" uid="22408"
 219976   ="Milenko" uid="15169"
 165566   ="beej71" uid="11154"
 135213   ="MassGIS Import" uid="15750"
  55578   ="wildMan" uid="21417"
  40084   ="kiya" uid="22052"
  33388   ="Skywave" uid="10927"
  29445   ="devrise" uid="8513"
  25031   ="blars" uid="1819"
  24057   ="OpenGeoDB Bot" uid="24767"
  23364   ="GercoKees" uid="12527"
  20190   ="uboot" uid="26299"
  19722   ="MichaelCollinson" uid="308"
  19541   ="andrewpmk" uid="1679"
  16491   ="ewedistrict" uid="8609"
  15887   ="beldin" uid="26526"
  14854   ="Alban" uid="2488"
<B8><D0><BD> <D0><9A><D0><BE><D1><86><D0><B5><D0><B2>" uid="8421"
  14348   ="katpatuka" uid="17497"
  13662   ="ulfl" uid="6975"
  12417   ="mackerski" uid="6367"
  11868   ="dkt" uid="5553"
  11729   ="Sven Anders" uid="1852"
  10906   ="davidearl" uid="3582"
  10598   ="MichaH" uid="8464"
  10207   ="blackadder" uid="735"

The script :
gzip -d < planet-080820.osm.gz |
awk '/<.*id.*timestamp.*>/ { sub (/<.*id.*timestamp.*user/, ""); sub(/ *>.*|
*lat.*lon.*>.*/, ""); uname = $0};/<tag k=.?name.* v=.*>/ {print uname}'
|sort |uniq -c|sort -nr>nameCount
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