On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Alexander Menk
> Hi!
> Roeland Douma wrote:
>  > I think putting a wiki on a CD is not a smart idea at all. Some
>  >reformatting will have to be done. Else a lot of links won't work
>  >(just take the login stuff).
> I'm open for any input on smarter ideas ;-)
> Is there a nice way for transforming a wiki dump to let's say a huge PDF
> ? Maybe using LaTeX ?
> It's about making the information, especially about tagging and mapping
> available in a comprehensive way for dial up users. I think the would
> guess, that they cannot login ;-)
> But of course, a reformating would be good. Bad "ugly" information (a CD
> were you get an error when clicking the Login button) is better than no
> information at all..


There are lots of attempts of making wikipedia offline, non of them
are simple solution, and they  almost never have images.


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