
Steffen Vogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Am Donnerstag, den 27.11.2008, 15:16 +0000 schrieb Christoph Böhme:
> > http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bugtracker_proposal
> Hey great work!


> I already modified the software-bug classifications, statuses of
> Bugzilla, due to the needs of a MapBugTracker.
> Do we have some perl programmers around here?

I am more into python ...
> I could need some help to adapt the slippy map scripts to Bugzilla.
> It's not as hard as it might sound.
> Bugzilla owns a XML-RPC backend which we can use...

This sounds quite handy and like a clean interface. However, Richard's
comment about the complexity of writing a new bugtracker compared to
adapting one for mapping still makes me think. At the moment it looks
like as if we have to replace the current user interface of bugzilla
with a completely new one that is suitable for mapping. The original
user interface won't be of much use for a map bugtracker (I personally
would always want to see where the bugs are). I am wondering how much
code there is in a bugtracker which is independent from the user
interface. Basically it boils down to the question if we write a new
interface how many parts of bugzilla will we actually use? And will
these parts fit well into a map bugtracker?

Bugzilla has an incredible amount of features but to me they seem to be
made very much for software developer teams where only a relatively
small number of people is actually fixing bugs. This is quite different
to the osm community where several thousand people can possibly solve
bugs. I thinks this makes many of bugzillas features unneccessary or
even counterproductive if they were used in the osm community.

I really do not want to put you off from adapting bugzilla to
openstreetmap but at the moment I cannot see what advantages we would
get from using bugzilla compared to creating something specific for osm.


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