On 21 Jan 2009, at 19:45, andrew heggie wrote:

> Is it possible to derive a vector layer of UK's rail network and  
> would I be
> allowed to use it to produce reports for my work? If so how because  
> it will
> save me a lot of tracing!

We have been playing around with KML recently and would be interested  
in some feedback on what people think of these.

Here are a couple of KML files containing UK railway data derived from  
OSM - one for London and one for the British Isles

They are CCBYSA ItoWorld Ltd/OpenStreetMap.

Btw, Google Earth seems to 'bury' some parts of the network  
underground on some computers even though we set height as 'clamp to  
ground'. Do please tell us how you get on.


Peter Miller

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