> <http://goog_1233181872477>
>>  <http://goog_1233181872477>
>> If some zooms are working fine but others are not then it suggests that
>> maybe you need to change more of the Postgis usernames & passwords in
>> the osm.xml file. By my counting there are 29 instances of DB username &
>> password in the file.
>> You might find it easiest to start with the osm-template.xml file which
>> has special tokens like DBPASS, DBUSER. Normally you'd run this through
>> the customize-mapnik-map Perl script but I'm unsure how well this will
>> work on Windows due to the use of environment variables. You could just
>> use a search and replace in a text editor instead.
>>        Jon <http://goog_1233181872477>
(somehow, my first email with attachment not working, I resend the email
without attachment)
Thanks so much for the feedback, any feedback will be useful for me, since I
am just stuck no where to go. :). So, I will try anything. he he he.

Ok, here what I have tried (My environment is windows and I am using
extracted cloudmate map. )
1. Here is the last zoom at 7
*Is this means the images get the data from database? or is it get the data
from the boundary?*

2. From zoom lever 8 to 16, it did create directory including sub directory,
however no images generated at all.

3. I did replace all in the databasource setting for database in osm.xml. (I
attached the osm-local.xml. Yes, perl script is not running that well with
environment in windows, so I manually replace them.

4. Since there is no historic column, I removed historic and airways Layer
and its association from the osm.xml

5. The database coming from cloudmate map because I only wanted certain
region only. I did try to import from latest planet osm but failed in the
middle of import. I did have 120GB freespace and 2GB memory).

Thanks so much, I did halftway trying out in Ubuntu, I think windows give so
much problems.  :)

And thanks again for any feedback.
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