If imported to OSM, can we edit parcel data?  Is it legally allowed
for non-surveyors (in the Philippine we call them Geodetic Engineers)
to change parcel geometry and attributes?

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Russ Nelson <r...@cloudmade.com> wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2009, at 7:00 PM, Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> cases, it has addresses which can be used for geocoding
> For completely unrelated reasons (I was searching for an unfinished
> railroad and was looking to see if it existed in any property lines)
> (no, it didn't) (sigh) I had a copy of the parcel data for Oneida
> County, New York.  It has the address in a fixed field, along with the
> name of the road.  It would be trivially easy to set addr:housenumber
> and addr:street for the parcel.
> The trouble is that I don't know where in that parcel the building is
> to be found.  And some parcels are quite strangely shaped, e.g. two
> squares overlapping only at a corner.  And then the street name and
> the TIGER street name vary wildly, e.g. tiger:name_base="State Highway
> 13" and ocgov:loc_st_nam=Nys Rt 13" (or in another record, "State
> Route 13 N").  The latter only matters if the property is on a corner.
> I've noticed that the road is considered to be "unowned", so there's
> only one way connecting those nodes.  Thus, I'll look for the nodes
> with only one way, and tag the center of those nodes with the
> address.  Might employ some heuristic to guess which road if multiple
> roads are found.
> --
> Russ Nelson - http://community.cloudmade.com/blog - 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:RussNelson
> r...@cloudmade.com - http://openstreetmap.org/user/RussNelson
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