So now we are talking about changing the OSM license. On the one hand I agree 
that this is necessary but we have to be quite sure that this is the right 
thing to do. We might lose more during this process then we gain:

First of all we will lose data. We won't get everyone to agree on the new 
license. No matter why. Maybe they don't approve the new license or we just 
can't reach them anymore. The worst thing would be a huge data lose that we 
gained because of governments or organizations.

But we could lose even more! The ones that don't agree on the change might 
start a fork and that would be the worst thing that could happen. We got 
already more then enough to do but splitting our resources into two or more 
different projects would be awe full.

And one more thing. How can we be sure that the coming up license suites the 
project? I don't want to have this discussion in 3 years again.


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