On 4 Mar 2009, at 11:27, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> "Steve reluctant to publish publicly as it would invite another  
> round of changes."
> Blimey, if you talk to people, they might have ideas and suggestions  
> or even want to CHANGE something. Better keep things to yourself and  
> complain later.

Frederik you're more intelligent than to take one sentence out of  
context from a condensed set of minutes which summarised a  
conversation over a period of time.

Here's where your logic is falling over.

1) read about Steve being reluctant
2) Steve is evil
3) mail the list

Communication works two ways. Here is how it should have gone:

1) read about Steve being reluctant
2) ask Steve what he meant

Just as if this was an in-person conversation with someone you had a  
few ounces of respect or time for.

I'm very sorry I don't always respond in a timely way, or at all to  
posts on the license. This is for multiple reasons. One I have a lot  
of things to do. Two all the personal attacks are tiresome. Three  
whenever I post anything, whatever the intent there are always some  
people writing back ALL CAPS!?!?! about what they think I should have  
done, and in those scenarios it's not always easy to stay focused.

And last but not least - there is a _lot_ of email on these lists  
these days. I do try to stay up to date but often it means ploughing  
through it on a flight. I would love to get more time to be around to  
answer things and I'm working on it.

But you know I am available on IM, very often on IRC and my phone  
numbers are all listed here:




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