Frederik Ramm <frederik <at>> writes:

> Hi,
> Tomas Straupis wrote:
> >   Is there an app to calculate length of given types of ways in .osm file?
> Yes, using the tools in SVN under applications/utils/filter/osm-length/.
> Bye
> Frederik

This tool seems to offer just what you want.  Another way might be to import the
data into PostGIS and run queries there.
- import .som file into PostGIS with osm2pgsql
- calculate length in PostGIS

For example, I use to import osm data into postgis and transform it it Finnish
kkj projection. Now I can get the length (in meters) of all "highway" lines of
the Finland.osm with query 
postgis=# select sum(length2d(way)) from osm_line where highway is not null;
(1 row)

PostGIS gives much flexibility with queries, for example the length of unnamed
unclassified highways in epsg:3067 projection

postgis=# select sum(length2d(way2)) from 
(select transform(way,3067) as way2 from osm_line where highway='unclassified'
 and name is null) as foo;
(1 row)

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