On 21 Apr 2009, at 17:32, Ed Loach wrote:

>> How large is the current delay before uploaded data became
>> visible?
> My question is slightly different. I uploaded two changesets
> successfully earlier from JOSM (the third took over an hour so I
> clicked Abort and ended up losing my edits, so lucky there weren't
> too many. I'll try again when things calm down a bit).
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/EdLoach/edits
> However, neither are showing on Mapnik yet and some hours later I've
> just manually requested a rerender of the two relevant z12 tiles via
> t...@h/Osmarender.
> I don't know what triggers Mapnik and/or Osmarender to render given
> tiles, but I've cleared all cached information here viewed the areas
> at various zoom levels, cleared again, waited, and still I see no
> differences.
> I mention it in case there is an issue. Has anyone successfully
> viewed any changes they’ve made today on any particular rendering
> (without manual intervention to get Osmarender to show changes)?

The renderers are delayed until the minutely diff are working again.  
There are some bugs there that need to be resolved first. Then there  
will be a delay of a few hours/days once the diffs come back up.


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