Gary68 a écrit :
> hi,
> just wanted to use a planet slice from geofabrik and noticed that in
> bremen.osm.bz2 at least 4 referenced nodes are missing:
> node 31088130 not found
> node 257415561 not found
> node 285091039 not found
> node 303607968 not found
> those are referenced by ways in that file. 

I have exactly the same problem. It appears when a way contains some 
nodes inside the bounding polygon and some outside.

In the osm file you have :
   - nodes inside bounding polygon
   - ways containing at leat one node inside

Last week we got inside nodes and truncated ways, but theses ways where 
not real beacause in fact they contains more nodes, now nodes are cited 
but not includes.

Better or worse ? I have no idea but it makes my own scripts crashed... 
I'm patching them.


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