El Martes, 5 de Mayo de 2009, Russ Nelson escribió:
> On May 5, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > We have the sweat-of-the-brow doctrine instead.
> Fine enough, and who sweated hardest to click in a particular point on
> a Google Map?  Google?  Or the Wikipedia editor [...] OMG, I'm practically 
> DRIPPING with sweat off my brow just thinking about it.

OK, but *you* tell that to the Google Lawyer Legion(tm)(beta).

In other words: One thing is what the law was designed to do when it was 
introduced, another different thing is how the big conglomerates apply it.

> > We don't push the legal envelope.
> Bullshit.  Sorry, but it's bullshit.  Okay, so I have a railroad map [...]  
> All you can do is close your eyes, let me import it, and hope that I'm not 
> infringing some railroad mapping company's data.

Wait a sec - are you actually saying that OSM (and the OSMF) should encourage 
covert copyright infringement? (Or database directive infringement, for that 
matter). Geez, man!

> And then to be publicly saying "Our license is shite; it's such shite that 
> we're considering switching to a license whose ink is metaphorically still 
> wet on the page."  That's not pushing the legal envelope??

Well, in a sense. OSM is pioneering the ODbL here (and I'm actually proud of 

In case you haven't noticed, all licenses for online mapping and data are 
still "wet on the page". Over here, national and regional mapping agencies 
are striving to understand how this DB directive affects them and the 
publication of their geodata.

OSM pushing the legal envelope? Nope. Mapping technology advances in the last 
15 years clashing against copyright law? Hell yeah.

> No, I didn't think anybody was insane enough to worry about
> copyright.  There are FAR more important issues in doing an import
> from Wikipedia.

So go ahead, but don't count on me paying your lawyer bill.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es>

Win95 es el hijo deforme de un Billy Puertas ...

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