Torsten Mohr <tmohr <at>> writes:

> Hello,
> this issue is not related to another post that i did here regarding the
> outline of the world (shoreline_300).
> I want to create a map of Germany with many details, especially the
> federal states should have different background colors.
> I got a hint already for a ShapeFile that contains these data.  That file
> looked great, but the borderlines defined in there are _much_ more coarse
> than the data in the PostGIS, so creating the background from the
> rough, coarse data does not look that good.  It does not match the
> borders that are drawn.
> Is there a way to get the border information from the PostGIS server
> that runs locally on my machine?


Import osm data into PostGIS with osm2pgsql utility and query borders with SQL
query like
SELECT * FROM osm_line WHERE admin_level is not null;

At least in the Finnish data excerpt the borders are lines.  For making 
coloured areas border lines must first be converted to polygons.  Last step is
to draw  the states with different colours for example by adding a single value
theme looking at state name etc. All this can be done with OpenJUMP, QGis, uDig,
gvSIG etc.

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