> Could we not have different polygons for Speed Limited Zones. That may
>  or may not be the same as the city limits. We could even tag these
>  zones with maxspeed, So that when applying we don't have to go and
>  look up what that means. The problem is if the zones overlap, which
>  one applies?

Well, we can have layering (layer=-5 ... 5) like for any other tags,
so we could have small zone with different limits within one large
zone. For clashes with "default" rules from place=... and alike, we
can define some rules of precedence (speed limits on individual ways
have highest priority, followed by rules from speed limit zones, rules
from place=..., then default country rules). And if zones with same
priority overlap? Then it is bad mapping (as are typos like
highway=residental or other bugs) and someone needs to fix it in the


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