Hi Stanislav,

I agree there is something missing in this area as I've added some things on
Dartmoor (which has a vast amount of this stuff) and couldn't find many
helpful tags already in use.

I'm not too keen on natural=stone as surely the significant thing about
these artifacts is they are not natural.  Either historic or man_made would
seem better.

I didn't spend too much time thinking about it but so far I've used:


I didn't use menhir for standing stone as I didn't a lot of people would
know what it means.


On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Stanislav Brabec <u...@penguin.cz> wrote:

> It seems that mapping features lack stones. In a flat country, any
> bigger stone has its local name and it is an important orientation
> point. But OSM now lacks any classification and rendering of stones. If
> you look at Stonehenge, you see just two points in the mapnik map.
> Some of stones use tourism=attraction, some use natural=stone
> (unofficial), some of them use historic=monument or historic=memorial,
> some use amenity=place_of_worship,religion=stone_age_druidic
> or tourism=artwork.
> Let's try to classify it. Note that sometimes it is not possible to
> decide the history of the stone and assign correct tag and we have to
> consider it as a generic stone.
> I would like to propose a new tag for point (a stone), way (a line of
> stones), and area (area with stones)
> Generic stone
> =============
> Just a stone in the wild without any known story.
> natural=stone (German wiki already documents this tag)
> optional:
> size=large (several tons), medium (can be moved by few people), small
> (can be moved by a single persons)
> count=number of stones (maybe size=large,medium count=1,5 could mean
> 1 large and 5 medium stones)
> Balancing boulder (wobble stone)
> ================================
> A stone in an unstable position. A small power allows the stone to be
> wobbled. Some of them are natural, some of them are human made or human
> moved.
> Mark as generic stone plus:
> type=balancing (or type=wobble, comment from any native English?)
> Erratic boulder
> ===============
> A boulder moved by a ice code during the ice age. It has a significantly
> different composition than stones in the nature around.
> Mark as generic stone plus:
> type=erratic
> Boundary stone
> ==============
> Single, several or many boulders moved by a human to mark boundary of a
> ground, or just moved away from a cultivated area. Most of them has just
> a natural shape, but some of them may have some carving.
> Natural stone mark as generic stone plus:
> type=boundary
> Stone with carving: I am unsure (artifact or still a natural stone)
> Stone age artifacts
> ===================
> I am not sure, whether these stones should use natural=stone (they
> consists from a natural stone and something it's impossible to
> discriminate) or historic=... or even place_of_worship (the religion is
> very unsure for most of them, and even religious purpose is not sure)
> Here a list of probably most common types.
> type=
> menhir: vertically placed stone (most of them are lone stone, but some
> of them consist from more stones)
> dolmen: a set o stones with a flat stone roof
> human_made_area: area with stones following certain idea
> human_made_array: array of stones - area consisting of a stone line
> stone_image: stone image consisting of hundreds or thousands small
> stones
> Other artifacts
> ===============
> Stones placed in memory of something may be historic=memorial,
> sculptures may be tourism=artwork... I am not sure.
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> Stanislav Brabec
> http://www.penguin.cz/~utx <http://www.penguin.cz/%7Eutx>
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