Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason schrieb:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Peter Körner<osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:
>> Hello OSM folks
>> For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized
>> maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is,
>> that a lot of countries are not translated yet.
>> To get an overview over the status and make translating those countries
>> more easy, I created a tool that can be found at
>>   http://cassini.toolserver.org/~mazder/multilingual-country-list/
>> I'd like to encourage everyone to spend some time making translated maps
>> better. Comments welcome!
> That's very useful, and it's nice to see the toolserver being put to good use.
> One thing that would be very useful is if you would offer a .osm file
> for download which would include all the place=country nodes so that
> one could mass-translate them in e.g. JOSM. You can do this making an
> OSM file whose contents are a concatenation of the various
> http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/ID where ID is the node ID.

I also thought about implementing inline-editing by just clicking the 
wrongly translated name and do the commit to the api right from the 
Toolserver. This way also the MySQL-DB behind the lists would be up2date 

Don't you fear corrupt mass-imports as we got just some weeks ago? (see 


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