On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Jukka
Rahkonen<jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:
> Hi,
> What might be an unambiguous way to tell that some cycleway is NOT designated?
> In theory if bicycle=designated means what it says then bicycle=yes might mean
> that yes, it is a cycleway, but no, it is not a designated cycleway.  
> However, I
> feel that bicycle=yes means more often that nobody has bothered to save the
> designation info at all.

Well, first you have to decide what "cycleway" means to you, and what
"designated" means to you.

To me, cycleway means path, designated means signed, and bicycle=yes
means it's suitable for bikes. So if you have a path that is suitable
for a bicycle but does not have a sign with a bicycle, I would use
highway=path (or cycleway, if you insist); designated=no; bicycle=yes.

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