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SLXViper schreef:
> Stefan de Konink wrote:
>> SLXViper schreef:
>>> This won't happen if you develop your own one ;)
>> We started with two and half Mikrokopter; the arrogance that we have
>> faced in that project. Unbelievable.
> Additionally, mikrokopter has quite a lot of design flaws.

- - Electrical markup that is not documented because people could copy it
- - 5V / 12V overflows resulting into broken lanes with standard design
(elaborating how difficult it is to find a 'cut' if you don't have the
layout is not required I guess)
- - Recently I found out the compass provided is far to easy to influence

> Rather low-power brushless motors 

That is up to the builder, there are a dozen motors to choose from.

> and very sensitive controllers, chaotic software

The major problem is not the software, it is C for embedded stuff, trust
me the typical 8051 software on a creditcard is worse ;) The problem is
that they actually do not provide the full software package, aka; the
most important stuff regarding to secure flying the GPS aid is not
provided in code because they seem to be afraid the other 'commercial'
guys copy there code...

> and documentation, a not-so-good flight control, etc.

etc. lack of active debugging. Ignoring serious development request...

> The concept of a microcopter can be improved a lot as Draganfly shows...
> The main problem is that devoloping such a complex system is neither
> easy nor cheap.

Thankfully we always have people like Adam Williams of Cinelerra fame
building <http://vicacopter.com/> and a lot of other open source project
exist where people actually build stuff. But somewhere deep down inside
thought that if someone actually 'sells' stuff it would be at least 1.0...

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