James Livingston wrote:
On 20/08/2009, at 10:29 AM, Andrew Ayre wrote:
If I draw the outline of a strip mall (a connected string of shops)  
represents several businesses together. If I then put nodes on them  
give the nodes names Mapnik won't render the names unless they are
amenities. But not all businesses are amenities.

I'd say that you need to tag them as what they are. If they're shops,  
then use shop=*,  and if it's a company's office then we need to have  
a tag for that and add it to the renderers.

I think there might be a need for a business tag.  Amenities and shops are places Joe Public would visit, but in business parks and industrial estates most buildings would not meet these criteria so might only get a building tag at best.

The building tag could be a multiple value tag like building, so:
 business=yes or
 business=printer or
 business=pr_consultant or
 business=logistics or
 business=medical_devices or

Choose business=yes and add a name tag  if thats all you know, but add business=whatever if you know more.  The extra tags like telephone numbers, website etc would give more details.  This might (eventually) give the basis for a business directory. Renderers would render business=* generally with the name and some business types might get an icon too.

Is it worth pursuing?

Cheers, Chris
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