>You bring up a point that I think needs expanding on for clarification.
>I decide where I'm going to go for a walk by looking at a combination of 
>my OS and OSM maps.
>I look for /indications /of rights of way on my OS map. Initially this 
>is the only evidence I have.
>If I see it's not indicated in OSM I go & walk it.
>I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one who does this.

Hi Dave,

I'm almost certain this is OK - it's no difference to route planning using 
a copyrighted road atlas.

What I meant was using the OS map to work out which side of a hedge the 
path went, and orientating the path and the hedge on OSM accordingly - 
sorry, I thought that's what you meant.

Apologies for any confusion, and if I've unnecessarily worried you!


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