On Sat, 3 Oct 2009, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
> On 2 Oct 2009, at 21:06 , John Smith wrote:
> > You do if you want a consistent data set.
> And what if I don't want?
> There are 1000s of mappers and not everyone thinks like you and agrees
> with you. If you can't accept so much freedom it's your problem not
> mine or theirs.
> there are many things I don't like in osm, but I am free to change it
> because it's free and open or I can learn that others had better ideas
> and accept it.

I think muddling up this argument with 'freedom' doesn't advance it one bit.
I do note that "others had better ideas" was placed next to "accept" as if you 
are rejecting an idea belonging to someone else, who is hereby advised just to 
accept it.

Instead, could you (Apollinaris) tell us the arguments *against* a consistent 
data set?


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