On 16 Nov 2009, at 00:10, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

> On Monday 16 Nov 2009 3:27:05 am Jon Burgess wrote:
>> Isn't this bbox only a few times larger then what the API will download
>> in a single call?
>> IMO you'd be crazy to download nearly 8GB of data just to get hold of
>> what probably amounts to a few 10's of MB. At the very least you should
>> start with an extract for something smaller, like a single country.
>> Using JOSM to selectively download all the pieces to cover your area
>> seems a much better idea to me. I normally would endorse this if you
>> were attempting to download something of many degrees in size, but for a
>> few tenths of a degree you are probably OK.
> I was talking about India - it would be impossible to to this with josm. 
> However the problem has gone away as Geofabrik asia extract is now up to 
> date. 
> Although cloudmade India data is still stuck at 4/11

You could take the CloudMade extract, then use Osmosis to apply the diffs. You 
can thereafter clip the area that is in the DB (Osmosis can do this in one 
command line).


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