2009/12/23 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>:
> No, you didn't give any reasons, you just basically claimed that "SSL
> protects users and passwords", and I said that I think neither is the case.
> It is a common fallacy to think so.

In the sense that it protects bits going over the internet that is a
factual statement, at present no such protection exists.

If unencrypted connections are so good why is SSH almost universally
utilised for *nix based administration and other forms of encryption
for other OS's?

> The UK government can, at any time, force access to our servers which are
> located within its jurisdiction, and download your every private traces from
> these servers.

Correct, so when are the servers shipping out of the UK into a
jurisdiction that actually respects privacy?

> I don't think spying on people without a warrant becomes more legal if done
> secretly.

No, it's to do with recourse if done illegally or for reasons that had
no real justification in the first place, there is no such thing if
the government can collect anything it wants at any time as it cross
over the wire.

> Why should we? The issue is kind of moot now since TomH has already said

Because you seemed overly concerned with how much of an impact
encryption would have, which isn't based in reality for the most part.

> they're planning to do something but I really dislike your attitude. If you
> think that SSL is required then do something to get SSL implemented - raise
> funds, work on the API, work on the editors - just don't sit there and say:
> "Why doesn't OSM do this and that."

So adding comments to trac and sending emails on this topic is doing nothing?

If I had access to servers I could have had it implemented server side
5 minutes ago, there is no point doing anything in editors until the
server supports it, since based on Tom's comment we don't even know
what to expect in terms of crypto to even know where to start.

So what exactly is it in your opinion that I could be doing that I'm
not already?

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