Frederik Ramm schrieb:
> In our neck of the woods, a typical example for two ways sharing the 
> same nodes would be a road with a tram line on/in it. We do not create 
> one way that has both highway=residential and railway=tram (because 
> then, if the way also had a ref=, name=, or oneway=, would that refer to 
> the tram or the street?) - instead we have two ways using the same nodes.

Yes, the tram is a good example for sharing nodes. But i forgot to 
describe this
more precisely: this ways are all highways. If you drive by car, a 
street it is always the same, has the same name and
speed. Sometimes it's part of a trunk or a special touristic route, but 
this can descibed by tags.

I personally can't imagine that theres a good reason why highway-ways 
share the same nodes, but my way of thinking might be wrong.
I will accept this and find a solution for my database.

Thank's to all for the answers.


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