
Frederik Ramm wrote:
>     we're thinking about importing post code areas in Germany. Are post 
> code areas being mapped in other countries already, and if so, using 
> what tagging schema?

Thank you for the replies.

I have one last question. I believe that Germany is not unique in 
sometimes using roads as post code boundaries, with houses on one side 
having post code A, and houses on the other side having post code B.

Suppose that one were to create a multipolygon for such a post code 
area; how should it be done?

Or turning the question around- if you looked at OSM data and you found 
that two neighbouring postcode areas were using a road as their 
boundary, would you automatically assume that houses on one side belong 
to one and houses on the other side belong to the other? (If *all* 
houses on the street belonged to one of the two post codes, then the 
boundary could not be the street but would have to be offset a bit.)

Or is this something that would have to be tagged specially?


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