On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Robert Martinez <m...@mray.de> wrote:
> Hello OpenStreetMappers,
> I would love to offer a special contribution to the project: a new logo!

Dear Robert,

Thank you for contributing your time and expertise to the logo design
that you have offered.

F/LOSS projects are open to contributions other than code.  Code being
the raison d'être in F/LOSS gets the most attention.  Other
contributions are sometimes overlooked, or desired but missing.
Certainly there are clearer processes in many projects for accepting
code than there are for other contributions.

So thank you.  Thank you for offering the graphic, for starting this
conversation about this particular logo and for reminding us that OSM
has many components.  OSM is code, and data, and documentation, and
graphics, and cartography, and testing and marketing and community
building and much more.

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