Hello listers,

I'm a developer at the Los Angeles Times. We just put out a set of
boundaries for 272 neighborhoods and 16 regions that cover Los Angeles
County. http://projects.latimes.com/mapping-la/neighborhoods/

The idea is to draw formal lines that try to capture informal areas commonly
used by locals. It's an art, not a science, but we're trying to have fun
with it. And have invited users into some OSM type debates along the way.
See: http://projects.latimes.com/mapping-la/debates/westside/

Long story short: I'm curious whether our boundaries might have a home in
the OSM database. I don't know a ton about the project, but I've always
admired it from a distance, and I would love to get our small development
team, which does a fair amount of mapping, somehow involved with the

I hope this isn't interpreted as spam. I don't mean any disrespect. I'm just
honestly curious what y'all think and this seemed like the place to drop a

Thank you,


Ben Welsh.

P.S. We already distribute all of the shapes in KML and GeoJSON. See:
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