On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:46 PM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:

> that's a matter of opinion, any reasonable person I've ever met would
> prefer uservoice to trac or otrs or whatever.

For what?  From a glance at the two, OTRS and uservoice don't even seem to
be in the same category.

The two pieces of software seem to provide solutions for much different
problems.  Uservoice looks like it would be good for the big picture issues
that affect lots of people.  But after reading
http://opengeodata.org/the-importance-of-timing-to-feedback I thought of
OTRS, and I don't really see how Uservoice is in any way applicable.  But
maybe it's because I'm just not familiar enough with Uservoice.

If Uservoice is the answer, how hard would it be to set up an email to
Uservoice gateway?  I'm sure I'm not alone in that I don't want to mess with
signing up with Uservoice (or trac, for that matter) just to send feedback
and get a response (especially given that Uservoice is not being hosted by
OSM).  You've commented about the interface of OTRS, but the fact of the
matter is that the people submitting the feedback just don't see that
interface.  The interface is email, though it wouldn't be difficult to make
a quick web form which can send the email (along with information like "what
zoom level they were at, if they clicked on a particular location for the
problem, etc.").

Anyway, if your point in this thread is just defending yourself against what
you see as an attack from Frederick, feel free to ignore this.  But if you'd
like some ideas on how to create a system to allow OSM users to easily "get
feedback quickly from a real human being", I think you ought to look beyond

I mean, even osm-talk works better than Uservoice in those terms, even if
you do have to put up with an admonishment about not using trac (see
http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap/50322).  But
subscribing to osm-talk is another hurdle I don't think you want people to
have to jump through to just ask a question or make a suggestion.
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