* Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio <juan_lucas...@yahoo.com> [2010-06-24 01:34 -0700]:
> Another question: after exporting the whole planet (recently) to
> Postgres, what is the size of the largest table created (which I presume
> will take up 80% of the whole DB)?

I can't speak for the whole planet.osm file (so this might be useless),
but I have (roughly) an extract of the United States.  The largest table,
planet_osm_ways, is 50 GB.  The next-largest table, planet_osm_nodes, is
21 GB.  After that is planet_osm_line at 8 GB.

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
PGP: 026A27F2  print: D200 5BDB FC4B B24A 9248  9F7A 4322 2D22 026A 27F2
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Last night I met upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I think he's from the NSA!
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