Great work!
I can see how the top questions will become a priority for us to try and solve.
Because there is TONNES of work to be done, this puts focus on making
the top questions answered.
This, inturn, will attract the other developers out there (ie from KDE
Marble Desktop, MapServer who might be able to teach and share new
ways of using OSM data.
As well, the answers provided ends up being the best. :-)
kind of like Yahoo! Answers, but for OSM.


On 7/11/10, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
> On 11/07/10 15:44, Tirkon wrote:
>> But one question remains: Is there any reason, why you did not use the
>> OSM-Wiki for that FAQ? IMHO it is not helpful, if the OSM
>> documentation and help is cluttered to many locations. The user has to
>> learn different ways of usage for each platform in order to
>> contribute.
> The advantage of a Q+A site like this is that the karma/voting system
> allows the good questions and answers to float to the top and become
> visible above the noise.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
> http://compton.nu/
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