On Sat, 9 Oct 2010 12:56:07 +0400
Gleb Smirnoff <gleb...@glebius.int.ru> wrote:

>   Dave,
> On Sat, Oct 09, 2010 at 12:13:14AM +0100, Dave F. wrote:
> D> The wiki page describes subjective information.
> D> 
> D> Unless it's actually closed by authority don't say it's
> D> impassible. For instance in defense of your argument that it's
> D> impassable you say the average speed is 0.5km/h. This comment
> D> proves the it *is* passable, just very slowly.
> No this one is not passable, and vast majority of other winter roads
> are not passable, too. Let me explain again: first, the photo is taken
> at a piece of winter road that is reachable by 4x4 vehicle. Evidently,
> I can't make a photo of a vehicle at a place where vehicle can't get
> to. If I walk there by foot, and make photo w/o vehicle on road, the
> photo won't tell anything: an untouched muskeg swamp looks like a
> meadow. Dmitri has added another photo of winter road, it demonstates
> better the terrain:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/surface:winter_road

It is no coincedence there is a Russian word, rasputitsa, which means

Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
http://writtenandread.net * mor...@writtenandread.net

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