On Nov 8, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Jon Burgess wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-11-07 at 23:29 -0800, Michal Migurski wrote:
>>> I think we went back to some older shapefiles after reports of a
>>> significant problem with one of more recent updates. I just updated
>> the
>>> files with coastlines generated from the planet file this week. 
>> Thank you Jon!
>> Can I ask if it would be possible to include in those shapefiles a
>> processed coastline that's just the outlines, rather than the tiled
>> land area polygon? osm2pgsql doesn't import natural=coastline (a
>> hardcoded exception) and sometimes it's useful to put lines on
>> coastlines, for which the processed_p data isn't very well suited.
> There are three intermediate shapefiles produced by the coastcheck
> utility:
> # coastline_p  - points with errors
> http://yevaud.openstreetmap.org/coastline_p.tar.bz2
> # coastline_i  - incomplete sections of coastline
> http://yevaud.openstreetmap.org/coastline_i.tar.bz2
> # coastline_c  - complete sections
> http://yevaud.openstreetmap.org/coastline_c.tar.bz2
> They are the input to last step of the processing which creates the
> closed polygons for each tile in the final 'processed_p' output. At no
> point is there a file which has fully closed polygons without the
> tiling. 

I'm not actually looking for closed polygons - quite the opposite. The closest 
thing from what you describe is coastline_i, or maybe coastline_c. In theory 
this should be equivalent to just getting the raw ways out of OSM, but 
osm2pgsql prevents this.

Would it be possible to make coastline_i available?


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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