
I think they will not tell you who sold them the OSM data. The same thing
happened with Waze when I asked about their provider for the Chilean OSM
Data. They told us that LocationWorld sold them the data (at least the first
time) and that a provider of that company was the one to be blamed for the
unfair use of OSM contributors work. No word on that providers name yet (two
weeks and counting).

There is a strange tendency to avoid giving away the names of the companies
responsible of this, and even the "leaders" of OSM seem to find this
perfectly normal. I told SteveC and the people from Waze that I didn't want
to start a witch hunt around this issue, but some social judgement over the
companies responsible seems perfectly appropriate to me.


Julio Costa



Pienso que no te van a decir quien les vendió los datos de OSM. Lo mismo
paso con Waze cuando les pregunte sobre su proveedor para los datos de OSM
en Chile. Nos dijeron que LocationWorld le vendió los datos (al menos la
primera vez) y que un proveedor de esa compañía era el culpable del uso
injusto del trabajo de los contribuyentes de OSM. No se ha dicho el nombre
de ese proveedor aun (dos semanas y contando).

Hay una extraña tendencia a evitar dar los nombres de
las compañías responsables de esto, e incluso los lideres de OSM parecen
considerar esto perfectamente normal. Le dije a SteveC y a la gente de Waze
que no quiero empezar una caza de brujas en torno a este asunto,
pero algún juicio social sobre las compañías responsables me parece
perfectamente apropiado.


Julio Costa

On 16 November 2010 10:54, ouɐɯnH <> wrote:

> Dear Ed an all ..
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 3:41 AM, Ed Parsons <> wrote:
> > Last week Steve Coast contacted us to let us know that he had identified
> > what may have been OpenStreetMap data in Google Maps of Colombia.  We
> > investigated the matter and determined that one of our providers had
> indeed
> > included OSM data in the data-set they provided to us, once we learned
> this
> > we removed the data as quickly as possible.
> Despite the apology and commitment to Google, although our data do not
> erase, this is a nuisance that discourages our community in Colombia,
> it is as if we worked for them and not for the osm.
> > I would personally like to thank Steve for pointing out this problem to
> us,
> > and would like to apologise to the OSM community for the unwitting use
> > of your work in this way. Although we feel unable to license OSM data at
> > present, we remain supporters of the project, and we will without
> question
> > act in a similar way if the rights of the OSM community and your data is
> > abused.
> In Colombia we respect the satellite images and other rights of
> google, despite being a country with few satellite photographs, so the
> mappers have had to draw the country on our own feet and GPS, Google
> writes conditions and not to work with their images but if they use
> our work as their own, this is not right.
>  Google says that a vendor provided them information that they used
> OSM, we believe they must tell us which that provider was to prevent
> abusive trading continue with our work.
>  need more than an apology from Google, we need our rights are
> respected and to help us keep our data is used improperly, it is
> revealed that includes the name of the supplier who abused.
> Salu2
> Fredyrivera
> OSM leader Colombia
> > Regards
> > Ed
> > --
> >
> > Ed Parsons,
> > Geospatial Technologist
> > Google
> >
> > Mobile: +44 (0)78 2538 2263
> > Personal blog
> > VC 38814629
> > Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W
> > 9TQ
> > Registered in England Number: 3977902
> >
> > "It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy."
> >
> >
> >
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