On 20 December 2010 12:53, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> Because of the impossibility to be able to distinguish whats what, any
> user who has ever made a change in this situation will have to have all
> their edits removed from the system, to avoid any possibility that one
> edit might infringe the rights of another source.

That would be the moral and legal thing to do, I don't get the feeling
this will be the case on data already in the system. Judging by
comments made on the subject it seems that things will be done in a
pretty haphazard manner, and the strict stance on respecting other
people's copyright has been thrown out the window where it suits.

What should have happened if the choice of contributors was being
respected to relicense and preventing, or at least limiting any
potential copyright issues, and in the case of Nearmap potential
breaches of contract, would be to create a new database and any
suitable data copied across.

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