Am 29.01.2011 16:26, schrieb M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:
Here I'm with you. If those Images were stored centrally and hosted by
OSM or the wikimedia foundation I see a much better chance of not
having a big image-link-cemetery in the database.

That "cemetery problem" is just caused by the current almost none existing usage of the tag. If people find the idea useful, add tags and someone comes up with a cool app that uses it, the dead link / old tag problem will vanish away pretty shortly ...

Making the use of a "central OSM image repository" (or using Commons) mandatory would reduce the amount of photos entered and therefore reduce the usefullness.

Of course, telling people that an easy option for them is to add photos under a free license to Commons and link from OSM to there wouldn't hurt :-)

Regards, ULFL

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