Essentially what I'm looking for is the ability to produce a Thomas-Guide
style maps book where a city is broken into printable pages (e.g. A6) and at
the back would be an index of streets with corresponding page and x/y axis

As mentioned before it would be ideal if this could be automated so that all
it would need is a city and it would produce the pages. Anybody interested
in helping create such a system?


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Dane Springmeyer <> wrote:

> Samuel,
> It seems to me like rendering the actual pages would be easier (than
> actually rendering a large image, then chopping). This should also give
> better results because the scales of things like text and lines would look
> better.
> So, the way I would approach this would be to determine the size and
> extents of each map for each page (ideally automatically). Then render each
> one with Mapnik. So, your ingredients would be a width and height in pixels,
> and bounding box for each page. Then write a python script to loop over
> every page and render a map using an OSM stylesheet.
> If you don't have python scripts skills then we can think of alternatives,
> but that would be my first recommendation. Mike Migurski, also author of
> safety maps, has done this with Mapnik for printed bike maps of SF, so he
> could likely advise.
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:
> Folks, what did we have in place to produce map books?
> Making mapbooks easier to script, via python, with Mapnik has long been a
> goal of mine.
> But I've not really gotten past proof of concept. One usecase is making a
> map of every "feature" in a dataset that meets some criteria. I wrote a
> script a while ago that demonstrates how to do that with mapnik by querying
> all countries over a given population and them rendering a map for each,
> while painting a special outline over their border. Code is here:
> and an
> animated gif to demonstrate what is done is here:
> Can Mapsomatic easily be modified for different formats/scales?
> It can be done but I've found that hacking around in MapOsMatic requires a
> lot of patience and pretty high python/cairo skill level.
> was a recent project to do something similar.
> I know the developers would be interested to hear more ideas how to make it
> useful.
> safety-maps are awesome.
> == Mikel Maron ==
> +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> *From:* Richard Weait <>
> *To:* Samuel Mandell <>
> *Cc:*
> *Sent:* Mon, June 6, 2011 4:16:08 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk] Disaster Preparedness Project
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:12 PM, Samuel Mandell <>
> wrote:
> > I'm designing a project whose goal is to prepare folks in my community
> for
> > disasters. An essential part of any disaster kit are maps of the local
> area
> > so that when electricity has gone out people can still navigate to
> specific
> > areas of the city (for instance to get supplies or medical help).
> > OpenStreetMap has comprehensive map data for my area (the San Francisco
> Bay
> > Area) and I'd like to use the mapping data to create maps for the various
> > cities to hand-out to residents. Since I'd need detailed (1:4800) of an
> > entire city I haven't been able to use the export tool since it seems to
> > have some built in limits to how large of an image it will generate
> (which
> > makes sense). For Mountain View, CA the image size we'd want to generate
> is
> > around 9409 x 11310 with a 1:4800 scale, in other words, very large. We
> > would then cut this into smaller squares and print it out in a booklet
> with
> > attribution to OpenStreetMap for the data and visuals.
> > What's the best way for us to generate these detailed maps of the various
> > cities?
> Well that sounds awesome.
> You might try downloading an extract of OSM data for that area.  You
> should be able to find an extract that deals with California, or the
> US West.  That way you don't have to deal with an entire planet full
> of data.  Then use Mapnik or one of the other rendering tools to
> generate your map.  You'll likely want to adjust the style sheet to
> make it just right for emergency awareness.
> There is a company in SF area experienced in printing high resolution
> maps from OSM data. Perhaps they'll do it for you for free since it is
> such a worthy project?
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