Dermot McNally <> wrote:

> On 11 June 2011 02:13, John F. Eldredge <> wrote:
> > When I signed up in the first place, I was required to say "I accept
> having my data placed under the CC-by-SA license", but, unlike the new
> license, I was not required to waive my right to have a say in any
> future license change.
> You are not waiving your right to have a say with the new CT. You are
> waiving your right to have a veto. I can't name a single mapper
> important enough to have one of those.
> > The OSMF is replacing democracy with oligarchy, so that, in the
> future, no mappers except the tiny fraction who are members of the
> OSMF will have a say in any future license change, such as changing
> over to charging for the use of map data.
> No, we've never had democracy prior to CT. What we've had is a
> situation where any one mapper may erect a barrier to whatever
> decision needs to be made. CT replaces this with democracy requiring a
> 2/3 majority of active mappers. Those mappers do not have to be OSMF
> members as your comments above suggest. Have you actually read the CT?
> Dermot

Yes, I have read the Contributor Terms.  Have you?  The contributor terms that 
were publicly announced included having to agree in advance to any future 
changes in the licensing, or else have my existing edits removed and be unable 
to contribute any further edits.  This forced agreeing in advance means that we 
won't be given the chance to vote yes or no in the future.  This is democracy 
only in the sense of the sham elections held in dictatorships.

John F. Eldredge --
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria

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