On 07/07/2011 21:52, Robin Paulson wrote:
On 7 July 2011 23:02, Dave F.<dave...@madasafish.com>  wrote:
You don't actually say what the problem is.
err, what? the problem is managing the ways inside the editor
(potlatch 2).

You made no mention of that in your original post. Maybe you should have posted this specifically to the potlatch dev forum & been a tad clearer.
If you mean cutting the ways into small segments then a possible answer
could be to add a separate way over the top of the roads that is just tagged
with the route relation. I've done this in areas where bicycle routes cross
pedestrian areas. I'm not sure if this is a perfect solution&  I'd welcome
that sounds very clumsy. if the routes (bus and other traffic) share
the way, drawing another way is (a) wrong (b) difficult to edit, and
(c) confusing

I wouldn't say it's wrong, but yes, difficult to edit.
if you mean the number of labels that OBM displays, then that's more a
problem for the renderer. I'm not sure every segments has to display the
route number.
no. i sent that link as it shows the complexity/number of relations
without hitting edit

Incidentally, does route 205 terminate at the end of Bond Street?
well spotted. no, it turns east. i think that demonstrates my point
actually. i didn't realise i hadn't tagged great north road with that

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