Frederik Ramm <> writes:

> Hi,
> On 01/28/2012 05:59 AM, Michal Migurski wrote:
>> Keeping in
>> mind that I am in support of the license switch, I think it's
>> completely reasonable to expect a technical plan for a switch just 60
>> days in the future.
> You talk about reasonable - I talk about realistic.

It's realistic (and reasonable) to think it will take longer to figure
out the deletion rules.

It's not reasonable to have the deletion rule decision be delayed and
not also delay the actual deletion time.  The notion that deletion will
not happen until 60 days after the rules are published is an entirely
reasonable expectation.

While there may or may not be some good coming from the CT/ODBL, it's
clearly causing harm to the community, as there are a lot of upset
people (including a lot of agreers).  More clarity and attempt to
accomodate those people will positively increase the balance of
usefulness of the change minus the harm.

Your point about useful effort vs arguing is quite valid.  But when LWG
announces: first we're going to publish tainting rules, and then after
that we're going to set date - 4/1 is off the table, a lot of this
arguing will stop.

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