El día 8 de marzo de 2012 02:05, Iván Sánchez Ortega
<i...@sanchezortega.es> escribió:
> On Jueves, 8 de Marzo de 2012 01:41:22 andrzej zaborowski escribió:
>> Great :) -- Madrid is rendered with a name worthy of a map prank,
>> although it would fit loc_name too.
> I'm guessing that's an old toponym, now deleted from OSM. But we Madrileños
> refer to our city as that sometimes :-)

My guess is that, at least in my area, they are mixing OSM geometries
and names with -very poor- labels from other source. I would bet that
some of these wrong names were never on our database (city names and

Jaime Crespo

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