
one thing I particularly liked about the now-deceased Tiles@Home style was the lowzoom tiles which, in contrast to our rather bland Mapnik tiles


or those beefed up by terrain colouring


actually showed real OpenStreetMap data.

There's nothing keeping one from applying the Tiles@Home lowzoom process to a slight variation of our standard Mapnik style however, and out comes this (for zoom levels 0-8; from z9 on, the standard Mapnik style looks fine):


I guess it's always a question of what audience a map is for, and my lowzoom tiles above look funny in areas where landcover has partially been imported; but for the mapper to get an idea of where there is data and where not, I quite like it. I think that if one applied a little more bitmap processing and maybe included, like t@h did, the boundaries on the lower zoom renderings, that could be a nice alternative to what we have. I'd like to have the roads a bit more prominent against the landcover perhaps.

This is just a proof of concept and I'm not updating these tiles at the moment, but it would be quite easy to set this up on our main tileserver and keep it updated, and it wouldn't use a lot of resources.

(Technical details: Took normal OSM Mapnik style and separated it in one style drawing only labels for z0-z8 (transparent background), and another style drawing everything but labels on z9; rendered world-wide set of no-label tiles on z9; produced z0-z8 tiles by bitmap-scaling/compositing appropriate number of z9 tiles and overlaying the label-only tile. All sources - hacky, Perl-y - available on request.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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