I think, the name of the relation is far from optimal, but the basic idea is not the worst, and we already use a similar approach in nested Multipolygon-relations.

1) "type=group" is far too unspecific and misleading, as it's NOT intended to group similar items together (like a category), but to form abstract, unnamed, but common objects to be reused. This is in general the same as forming one outer-area in a multipolygon relation out of several non-closed ways.

2) For the Public transport example I see a major drawback for stops. A common road with several (bus) stops may be shared by different busses, but some the busses may omit different stops where they don't stop. This would require again either to split the common part to several ones (not much better than using the ways directly now), or to use different relations/to use the relation only for some of the routes sharing the same way. But then it does not get that much easier than it is now.

3) Lacking tool support (that's not a good argument, but nevertheless I fear, these relations will for quite a while break most tools and maps using Public transport information, one of the IMHO best showcases of OSM.


Am 22.03.2012 13:13, schrieb Richard Mann:
Relations are not categories. They are for recording geospatial relationships between elements, not for putting things in groups. Put a tag on the elements saying this is part of Group X. Wait for data users to work out a way to grab groups of elements based on that tag (& maybe help code that sort of functionality yourself).

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 11:53 AM, LM_1 <flukas.robot+...@gmail.com <mailto:flukas.robot%2b...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I have created a new proposal for group relation (type). It is
    intended to reduce tagging duplication and make it easier to map dense
    public transport areas by grouping ways that are used by multiple
    transport lines (not having to add the same group to multiple route
    The proposal is here:


    Please discuss or comment, preferably on the wiki discussion page.

    Lukás( Mate(jka (LM_1)

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