On Sept. 15, a french OSM contributor has been blocked because he was
not following the "dedicated account for import" described in the
Import Guidelines (http://www.openstreetmap.org/user_blocks/238).
There was nothing armful for the data, community or the whole project
is these changesets.

This has been a starting point for a discussion between some active
french speaking contributors and a couple of DWG members.

Its reaching to an important point about DWG and OSMF governance.

This block decision is based on the "import guidelines" where the
recommendation to use a separate account switched recently to a
requirement in last November.

I posted a couple of question on the "Import guidelines" talk page on
the wiki regarding this "dedicated account" to get some clarification
about this switch and some other practical questions (how many
dedicated accounts, etc).

I'd like to have some answers because after searching the wiki, the
OSMF web site and the imports@ mailing-list archives, I could not find
any (public) discussion about the newly required
dedicated account.

This is a major governance problem for me, some guidelines are updated
by someone on a wiki page (Nov 15th 2011 by Richard
Fairhurst), something that was a recommendation becomes
mandatory and then some contributor get blocked based on this wiki
page edit that comes from nowhere.

If it works like that, it is worth updating the wiki page(s) and
set/modify rules on our own.

Wiki talk page is here:

My questions are:
- Who decided this change (recommendation -> requirement) ?
- What has been the process that lead to this major change ?
- Do we need a separate account for each dataset imported ?
- What is the benefit when source=* is required by the original data provider ?
- What is the benefit when hundreds/thousands of contributors are
upload subsets of a larger dataset after manual review/improvement of
the original data ?

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France - http://openstreetmap.fr/u/cquest

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