On jeudi 20 septembre 2012, Marc SIBERT wrote:
> > The complete
> > ignorance of any contact (threre have been two or three tries) was the
> > reason for the (short term) block, not the disregard of the guidelines.
> >
> In fact I *did* answer twice, in March & September. I explain my point of
> view and the special case of Cadastre import. I do not receive any answer
> after my response, excepte a blocked account a few days ago.
> Nothing to do with foreign language in my personnal case.

Ouch !
I do trust what Marc says, and I guess he has proof to back this up.

What we have then ?
We don't have any discussion at all, and Marc isn't at fault here.
we have a group of admin using their blocking power after sending semi 
automated email without bothering to understand the contributor's answers and 
not refering to the local community he belongs to.

It is clear that this was an enforcement of guidelines "best practices" 
transformed into laws, no need to try to find the reason elsewhere.
We can get back to the topic of governance and discussion about those laws and 
who decide them, and how.

qui suis-je : http://sly.letuffe.org
email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org

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